The Purple Pub (Normanton, QLD)

purple pub normantonThis was a super quick visit to the famous Purple Pub with Nicky Jurd and my good self.  Leaving Cairns around midday, we flew to Normanton and grabbed a hire car.  I love these outback towns – the lovely lady from Dougs Car Hire dropped off the car to the airport, handed me the keys with a smile and that was it.  No forms, inspections, safety briefings or anything.  You want a car – here it is, have a nice day.

Now – we had to drive to Karumba (for work people!) so we had to hoof it.  But I couldn’t resist stopping at the famous pub that I had heard so much about!

The beer was super-cheap.  I had a schooner and my friend had a dark&stormy… all up this round was less than $5!   I had to go back and check that I was charged correctly, but the lovely lady insisted that it was all covered.

Anyway – it’s a pub.  It’s painted purple.  Annnnnd that’s about it.  Nothing really to write home about – it has a quaint dining room, outdoor beer garden out the back and a veranda that you can have a beer on.  In true outback QLD style, the railings are shot, the floor is wonky, the tables are wobbly… and I still think it’s an aussie icon worth a beer.  Or two.


How to get there:

Normanton QLD

  1. #1 by Farrah Lang on 24 April, 2011 - 3:15 am

    hello blogger, i was reading your posts on The Purple Pub (Normanton, QLD) A Beer In Every Pub and i definitely liked them. 1 thing that i noticed while browsing throughout your blog that some of the links aren’t working and giving error. this makes the reading experience a little bit bad. you’ve a good blog and i will request you to update the hyperlinks so that fascinated people can get all of the details they intend to have. By the way are you on twitter?? i would definitely like to follow you and get revisions in your blog.

  2. #2 by Robert on 23 February, 2012 - 1:31 pm

    Hi there Farrah ,

    We have just done some upgrades on the site – any idea where the broken links are ?


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